VISA in conjunction with our corporate sponsors Easymigrate and AR SOAR: Business Services Pty Ltd is thrilled to announce the latest recipient of the coveted Victorian Immigration Solicitors’ Alliance award for service to and promotion of migrant & refugee rights – the Migrant Rights Defender award.

Laurie is one of Australia’s most experienced and well-regarded immigration professionals with over 56 years experience in the immigration industry. He worked in various high level and management positions in the Department of Immigration for 29 years.
Why Did you join VISA?
I joined VISA because I sensed that VISA had more energy and “get up and go” than the MIA.

I was a member of the MIA and I made sure all of my staff were members even though I grew disenchanted with how useful they were.
It all came to a head when I approached the MIA to help with an issue and they were a complete waste of space.
The final straw was when they advised me that I was “required” to do something by a particular date. All they cared about was money! (The MIA was so unreasonable) I was offended and told them to end my relationship!.
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