We at VISA believe the we offer a superior experience to that of the bloated MIA (the Sydney based migration agents lobby group) do. In fact we are so confident we have thrown down the gauntlet and will take on all comers!!!
For those who do not know who we are: VISA provide a similar service as does the MIA, but with a greater sense of genuine community, less avaricious and much much better.
So think of VISA as kind of the MIA minus the hefty membership fee and the history of scandal and corruption.
VISA costs less than a cheap cup of coffee a week to join our mob and subscribe per year.
MIA costs more than a bottle of FRENCH CHAMPAGNE a month to join their bean counting gang.
VISA members enjoy huge discounts to subscription LexisNexis
MIA flogs useless crap – and sell insurance.
VISA offer Member rewards that are not only cost effective and useful but also luxurious!
LIKE – huge savings at the beautiful Cumberland at Lorne or discount business flights with Virgin or what about the limo to the airport – VISA has you covered there too (Melbourne only – but we are working on expanding it)
Perhaps you are in the Market for a NEW CAR – VISA members enjoy special treatment there too.
VISA is happy to talk CRM too – (the MIA’s knees are looking wobbly already)
VISA in association with our official partner Ezymigrate is proud to introduce “VISA – CRM”. Do yourself a favour and move up to the lates in migration management.
I know we are leaving the MIA eating our dust as we take this to the mattresses but wait there is MORE!
VISA is about building a community, and central to that is education. That is why in association with our official partners Crystal Migration Training – we are so excited to offer industry leading CPDs for Free or hugely discounted rate. VISA members can enjoy 50% off the ticketed price of all 10 point CPD Sweeps offer by CMT.
So if you want to spend a fortune on annual subscriptions, be enveloped in the stench of a history of corruption and scandal – the MIA is for you. (Remember the MIA wanted to keep lawyers under the yoke of MARA – NEVER FORGET – NEVER FORGIVE)
But when you feel a need for better, for a sense of community, justice and adventure – a place where you don’t constantly feel used or screwed over – a place that does not treat you as a cash cow to milk for their bottom line – join our crew of jolly pirates – join VISA…

Join the adventure – Join VISA!