Victorian Immigration Solicitors’ Alliance: VISA is a professional alliance of Australian Immigration Solicitors & Barristers: “Migration Lawyers” and Legal & Associated Practitioners dedicated to advocacy, protection of the rule of law and continuing professional development of Australian Immigration & Refugee Law.
We are a community of Legal Practitioners: Migration, Legal and Ancillary Professionals who share a common set of goals; including the fostering of a greater appreciation within the wider society and Government of the valuable role Legal Practitioners: Solicitors, Barristers – “Immigration Lawyers”, more than any other group, bring to the administration of justice and the Australian Migration System.
VISA wishes to
a) Promote the leadership role of Immigration Solicitors & Barrister: Immigration Lawyers in the ongoing development of a more ethical and competent migration advice profession in Australia;
b) Foster the continuing education and professional development of Members; (Although we are focused on Migration & Refugee Law, we are a broad church and through our corporate partners, VISA offers a range of CPDs covering many fields of Australian Law. From Criminal & Family Law, to Business & Civil litigation and Privacy & Human Rights.)
c) Contribute to increased levels of professionalism, including increasing the level of knowledge and understanding of migration law and practice in the migration advice profession – with particular reference to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT);
d) Provide a forum for liaison with governments, government agencies, the media, industry, business and other organisations;
e) Provide a medium by which Members can effectively communicate with each other;
f) Undertake research relevant to the field of migration including the posting of relevant papers.
g) To offer greater value for money and access to a wide range of superior Member Benefits including discount Business class airfares, Bayford Volkswagen Camberwell “Blue Carpet” specials, and discount and FREE CPDS.
Advisory Committee
Anthony holds a Law Degree from Monash University (one of Australia’s leading Universities) and a Master of Law degree: Master of Migration Law and Practice and has been working in migration and refugee law for over 25 years.
Anthony is a specialist Crimmigration lawyer, and has worked as a criminal defense lawyer for both Citizens and non- citizens for more than twenty-five years. He has successfully represented clients facing Citizenship refusal and visa cancellation pursuant to s501 due to Character issues or criminal history. [ Anthony represented Peter Walker infamous for escaping from Pentridge Prison with Ronald Ryan – last man hanged in Australia)]
Anthony has been a member of the Migration Committee of the Law Institute of Victoria since 2005.
Anthony is a long term member of the Law Council of Australia
Ross Ahmadzai
Fellow of VISA.
Immigration Lawyer, Educatory & Academic
As anyone working in the migration law industry – RMAs or Immigration Lawyers – will know, Ross is one of the leading luminaries in the migration law training and the provision of professional development courses through his companies Crystal Migration Training: CMT and the Capstone Academy.
Ross has worked at firms such as KPMG and Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, and is regarded as one of the best educators currently working.
He brings a profound knowledge and great expertise – this is a real coup for VISA and VISA members. His passion to teach is match by his almost evangelical commitment to build the best Australia migration system possible!
Ross is a tireless advocate for refugee & migrant rights. Equally for the advancement and professional standards of migration agents & Immigration Lawyers.
For more than 20 years Jack has been a leading criminal defense lawyer, particularly in the niche area of “Crimmigration”, represent notorious criminals like Peter Walker (escaped with Ryan – the last man hanged) and the Pong Su