The corruption of former President of the MIA (the migration agents lobby group) – Kevin Lane is well documented particularly his discrimination and unfair treatment of a member who suffered MS (multiple sclerosis) – the MIA’s continuing love of corruption is evident in the fact that Lane’s old MIA cronies have named an award after him (we believe the trophy should be a brown paper bag).

Then there is Lane’s side kick the infamous mia vice president Jack Ta.
But the new president says we have all moved on – the days of corruption and cronyism at the mia is a thing of the past. Lord be praise! Hallelujah!
As often, with the new look mia, there is a glaring disconnection between what mia board say and what it does.
A few years ago VISA reported that there was a civil war at the MIA, turns out we were wrong it was a coup d’état – and the lawyers have won!
So who is the new King of the MIA – well he is a guy who join the MIA only 2 or 3 years ago. He is from a small firm in the sleepy hamlet of Perth.
He promises a fresh start for the MIA and a new era of fairness and inclusion. I have seen the light!!

Yet if you look at the branch stacking it is hard to not see the disconnection between mia boards words and its actions.
From this small firm in suburban Perth comes the
- President of the MIA
- A member of the newly created MIA Health and Disability advisory panel
- And recently another award MIA honorary – Life Member to the MIA.
All came from this one little law firm out of Perth – must be something in the water!
Lets hope that a little milk of human kindness mingles with whatever they are drinking and this new MIA board stops discriminating against those with disabilities!
So if you have had enough of the grift, have had enough about “jobs for the boys”, have had enough about a “cliquey secret club” of insiders and want to join a group that does not discriminate against those with disabilities – more particularly that doesn’t discriminate, full stop! That is truly about inclusivity, fairness and support its members join VISA!
Join VISA to enjoy these great member rewards offered by our official sponsors and partners for less than a cheap cup of coffee a week!

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