A few words from the Managing Director of VISA, Mr Anthony Robinson. BA. LLB. GDLP. LLM. Master Migration Lawyer and Senior Fellow.
We are very excited about our latest venture. As many may know VISA has recently entered the publishing business with the production of our Industry Newsletter: “Migration Case Law Updates“. VISA, through its team of staff writers and researchers, hopes to produce high quality, regular case reports and articles of interest for those professionals working in the Migration and Refugee legal space or those studying Immigration or the emerging field of Crimmigration.
It should be also noted, that in keeping with VISA’s philosophy of providing superior member benefits at an extremely cost effective prices – the Migration Case Law Updates, unlike other similar newsletters that charge up to $500 per yearly subscription, the Migration Case Law Updates is FREE when you join VISA!
And now for a taste:
Is the Tribunal the best judge of character?
NDBR V. Minister for Home Affairs (2021) FCAFC 170
(Staff Writer)
Case Background
- The Appellant in the case is a person, not originally an Australian citizen because he had arrived in Australia by boat in 2012. In 2013, he had been charged with the offence of unlawfully and indecently dealing with child under the age of 16 years.
- This is an offence that is considered to be serious under the Criminal Code. It is on this ground that the delegate refused to grant the appellant the protection visa he had applied for, a decision that was upheld by the Tribunal.
- The Tribunal in making its decision heavily characterized the appellant’s conduct as had been explained by the complainant to be predatory. It referred to the judgment passed by the original trial judges who had arrived at the conclusion that the evidence produced failed to show that the appellant’s behavior was predatory, and it was not enough to say that it was only a short although persistent event as the two sentencing judges had said…
If you would like to continue reading this or other insightful case notes and articles of interests to those currently working or studying the Australia Migration & Refugee Law or Crimmigration join VISA.