Tag Archives: criminal convictions and visas

Dear Minister, who are the members of the Australian Community”?

Conviction for child porn offences -cancelled visa – S501 (3A) – Crimmigration Craig v Minister [read more...]

Two bites of the cherry ?

Rascovici vs Minister for Immigration A few words from the Managing Director of VISA, Mr [read more...]

Crime and Punishment among Non Citizens

Join Visa for the full story

The new ministerial direction number 90 and the risk to the fundamental concept, non-refoulement

“Without the principle of non-refoulement there would be no effective system of international protection” Prof [read more...]

Scope Of Visa Cancellation Power Under Section 501(2) What the High Court Held

The High Court unanimously holds that the cancellation power may not be re-exercised if the [read more...]