The Callinan report urged, inter alia, that Lawyers be appointed to the AAT.

” (A) candidate for appointment to the AAT… (should), possessing legal qualifications, and (be) selected as a result of a transparent process.”   (page 171)


“There is, in my opinion, no necessity to appoint professionals other than lawyers to the AAT” (page 175)


For more see the full Report    Review: section 4 of the Tribunals Amalgamation Act 2015 (CTH)  I.D.F. CALLINAN AC

Pru Goward among six Liberal-linked appointments by Coalition to Administrative Appeals Tribunal

This on top of these appointments


The Big Stack

In her article she states “the federal government has appointed 64 members and senior members to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal over the past six years who have some kind of connection and or worked for the coalition, some of them with no legal qualifications.”

SEP 24, 2019

NameStateType of Connection
Gary HumphriesACTFormer Liberal senator
John SossoQLDDirector-General, Justice Department (Newman government)
Robert CameronVICLiberal Chairman Kew State Electoral Council
Paul Clauson AMQLDFormer attorney-general and minister under Liberal government
Michael Cooke*NSWFormer adviser to Tony Abbott
Denis Dragovic*VICLiberal preselection for the House of Representatives; Victorian Senate preselection
Ann Duffield*QLDFormer chief of staff to Scott Morrison
Richard EllisWAFormer chief of staff to former premier Colin Barnett
Matthew GroomVICFormer Liberal Party member for Denison
James LambieQLDFormer policy adviser; senior adviser and chief of staff to George Brandis
Donald Morris*VICFormer senior adviser to Eric Abetz
Andew Nikolic AM CSC*VICFormer Liberal member of House of Representatives
Justin OwenNSWLifetime member of the Sydney University Liberal Club; former treasurer of the Australian Liberal Students Federation
Belinda PolaQLDFormer chief of staff to Mathias Cormann; former staffer to Joe Hockey
Christopher Puplick AM*NSWFormer Liberal senator
Theo TavoularisQLDLiberal Party donor; represented former AG George Brandis’ son in a criminal case.
Rachel WestawayVICFormer Liberal candidate for the NSW Upper House
Antoinette YounesNSWFormer adviser to Michaelia Cash
Dominic KatterQLDQueensland Liberal National Party “law and order adviser”
Hedley Chapman*SAFormer Liberal Party member for Kingston; former senator
Rodrigo Pintos-LopezVICIn-house counsel for former Victorian premier Ted Baillieu.
William Stefaniak AM RFDACTFormer Leader of the Opposition (for the Liberal Party) ACT
Ian BerryQLDFormer LNP member for Ipswich
Simone BurfordWAAdviser and chief of staff to former attorney-general Daryl Robert Williams; chief of staff to former communications minister Richard Alston; senior adviser to John Howard
Helena ClaringboldNSWFormer staffer to Tony Abbott
David Crawshay OAMVICFormer Liberal Party staffer
Brendan DarcyVICFormer adviser to Kevin Andrews
Phoebe DunnVICFormer senior adviser to former attorney-general Daryl Williams
Peter Emmerton*SAFormer adviser to Liberal Minister of Education and Training
Shane Evans*NSWFormer adviser to the Howard Government; media adviser and chief of staff to Minister for Fair Trading NSW
Joseph Francis*WAFormer Liberal Member for Jandakot
William FrostACTFormer senior adviser to Christian Porter
Steven Griffiths*SAFormer Liberal Member for Goyder
George Hallwood*SAPresident of a Liberal Party branch
Keith KendallVICUniversity Liberal Club member
Nora Lamont*VICLiberal Party member; Councillor for Mullum Ward, Maroondah City Council
Russell MathesonNSWFormer Liberal Party member for Macarthur
David McCullochNSWFormer policy adviser to Communications Minister Paul Fletcher; staffer to former senator Amanda Vanstone
Nicholas McGowanVICLiberal candidate for Jagajaga
Karen McNamara*NSWFormer Liberal Party member for Dobell
Justin MeyerVICFormer senior adviser to former premier Dennis Napthine
Helen Moreland*VICFormer senior adviser to Tony Abbott
Perrohean Sperling PSMVICFormer senior adviser to John Howard
Michael Sutherland OAMWAFormer Liberal member for Mount Lawley; former speaker of the WA Legislative Assembly
Peter VlahosVICLiberal candidate for Chisholm
Robert Baldwin*NSWFormer Liberal member for Paterson
Anthony BarryVICFormer press adviser to Malcolm Turnbull
Stephen Barton*WAFormer chief of staff to former WA Legislative Assembly member Joseph Francis
Jane BellVICLiberal preselection for the House of Representatives
Suzanne Boyce FAICD*QLDFormer Liberal senator
Nathan GoetzNSWFormer Liberal Party member. Ran for the Wyndham City Council in the 2008 election.
Dawn FitzgeraldWAFormer chief of staff to a WA Liberal minister
Ian Fletcher AMWAFormer chief of staff to former WA premier Richard Court
Margaret ForrestQLDSenior adviser to the Department of Justice and AG (Newman government); electorate officer for AG George Brandis
John Griffin*VICFormer chief of staff to for Victorian premier Jeff Kennett
Meredith JacksonQLDFormer chief of staff to Christopher Pyne
De-Anne Kelly*QLDNational Member for Dawson
Helen Kroger*VICFormer president of the Victorian Liberal Party; former Liberal senator
Michael ManettaSALiberal candidate for seat of Torrens
Stephen Parry*TASFormer Tasmanian Senate president
Donna Petrovich*VICFormer Liberal member in the Victorian Legislative Council
Susan Reece JonesVICLiberal Party member
Brian Warren Stooke AM*VICLiberal Party member
Andrew TragardhVICLiberal preselection for the Victorian Legislative Assembly

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