Sanctioned agent Jack Ta – a Fellow of the MIA – a member of the MIA for twenty years – a former Vice President of the MIA. And the MIA turned a blind eye. As was clear with the corruption of MIA former President Kevin Lane and his criminal association, the rot runs deep at the MIA.

This is what the regulatory body – OMARA – said about Jack Ta the then Vice President of the MIA.
Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (the Authority) decided to cancel the registration of Registered Migration Agent Mr Jack Ta (MARN 0212473) following an investigation into allegations of suspected misconduct.
The Authority found that the Agent breached of his obligations under section 312A of the Migration Act 1958 and clauses 2.1, 2.4, 2.8, 2.9, 2.23, 5.1 and 5.5 of the former Code and sections 13 and 18 of the current Code for registered migration agents.
The Authority found that the Agent:
• Acted with a blatant disregard for, or a significant degree of indifference to, the migration law and the visa programs in general;
• Made misleading, deceptive or inaccurate statements and otherwise acted dishonestly;
• Deliberately concealed his involvement a significant number of visa applications with a view to mislead the Department;
• Failed to act competently, diligently or fairly with his clients and demonstrated a lack of regard for their reliance on his experience and expertise;
• Submitted applications without the consent of his client;
• Acted without regard for the adverse impact his conduct would have on the reputation of the migration advice industry;
• Charged his clients fees that were excessive and not reasonable in relation to the relevant matters being handled on their behalf.
It was also determined that the Agent was not a person of integrity and not a fit and proper person to give immigration assistance.
The Agent’s cancellation will be in effect for a period of 5 years from the date of the Authority’s decision.
For the full OMARA report
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Once again we see the insincerity of the MIA Board writ large – the state President of the MIA is using “clickbait” and “Bait advertising” to drive people to his web site to promote work and thereby profit.
Despite what the MIA Board says – in all their insincere “touchy feely” statements – the truth is they are focused on the bottom line and will use any unethical trick in the book to boost profits. (Once again putting the Avarice in the MIA)
If you are tired of the corruption and the stench of this avaricious oligarchy move up to better, fairer and far less expensive – Move up to VISA!
So to get more bang for your professional association buck join VISA, for at VISA we believe that when you are sick of the stench of the MIA board’s unfairness & corruption – move on up to fairness inclusivity and community – Join VISA!
As the man says for the price of a cheap cup of coffee per week – its paid for itself already.

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