VISA: The Victorian Immigration Solicitors’ Alliance is happy to announce our latest corporate partner: Concierge Limousines (NB – this is a deal currently open only to Victoria/Melbourne, but rest assured no VISA-Mite will be left behind, we are working hard to get similar deals through out Australia)
Join VISA to enjoy 10% of all Concierge Limousines services – including Airport Transfers, Corporate chauffeur services, Weddings & Special Occasions
Concierge Limousines, VISA’s official Corporate Partner, offers a variety of bespoke private transport services to ensure you are where you need to be when you need to be.
SAFE, RELIABLE & LUXURIOUS! Ah that’s Concierge Limousines.
JOIN VISA to enjoy 10% off all Concierge Limousines Victorian chauffeur limousine services, including: Airport Transfers, Corporate chauffeur services, Weddings & Special Occasions
So for $100 a year – less than a crappy cup of coffee a week – join a group that treats their members with respect and truly fights for migrant & refugee rights and offer member rewards that are not only useful(free and discount CPDs) but luxurious!
Don’t be hussled, hoodwinked or conned by expensive membership offer by other groups like for example the MIA(the Sydney based migrant lobby group).
For more bang for your professional membership buck – Join VISA!
As the man says – for a lousy $100 bucks with all this free and discount stuff – its paid for itself already!

Join the adventure – Join VISA!
Other lurks and Perks in joining VISA:
Immigration, Crime & Punishment – The Crimmigration Law Symposium 2023:
The Victorian Immigration Solicitors’ Alliance: VISA will be holding its annual immigration conference Thursday 5 October 2023 at Palm Cove on the beautiful Barrier Reef.
There will be guest speakers, a round table and both discount and FREE – MARA accredited CPDs and a wide range of LAW SUBJECT CPDs .
5 October 2023

DISCOUNT CPDs for LAWYERS – ALL TYPES of Lawyers (crim-family -business-human rights – crypto/blockchain-privacy-tax- employment law…)
CPD for Me™
Discount CPD (Continuing Professional Development) in Wide range of LEGAL Subjects – through One of Australia’s Leading Providers!

The opportunity to retain one of Australia’s leading immigration law firms at a discount rate.
(VISA members enjoy the ABG loyalty discount when they retain our official partners)
AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers