A few words from the founder of VISA, Mr Anthony Robinson. BA. LLB. GDLP. LLM. Master Migration Lawyer and Senior Fellow of VISA.
We are very excited about our latest venture. As many may know VISA has recently entered the publishing business with the production of our Industry Newsletter: “Migration Case Law Updates“. VISA, through its team of staff writers and researchers, hopes to produce high quality, regular case reports and articles of interest for those professionals working in the Migration and Refugee legal space or those studying Immigration or the emerging field of Crimmigration.
It should be also noted, that in keeping with VISA’s philosophy of providing superior member benefits at an extremely cost effective prices – the Migration Case Law Updates, unlike other similar newsletters that charge up to $500 per yearly subscription, the Migration Case Law Updates is FREE when you join VISA!
In this article in the Migration Case Law Updates we take a deep dive into an important Crimmigration decisions. As always, this article is of general nature and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
Pearson v Minister for Home Affairs [2022] FCAFC 203
On 17 July 2019, the applicant was notified that their application for a class TY subclass 444 Special Category (Temporary) visa under s 501(3A) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) (Act) had been cancelled. The application was cancelled as the applicant had been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 12 months or more…
For more join VISA.
Join VISA for the DEEP DIVE on this and other Significant Cases
Immigration, Crime & Punishment – The Crimmigration Law Symposium 2023:
The Victorian Immigration Solicitors’ Alliance: VISA will be holding its annual immigration conference in October 2023 at Palm Cove on the beautiful Barrier Reef.
There will be guest speakers, a round table and both discount and FREE – MARA accredited CPDs and a wide range of LAW SUBJECT CPDs .
Watch this space…..