The Victorian Immigration Solicitors’ Alliance: VISA is proud to be hosting its annual immigration conference on Thursday 5 October 2023 at the glorious Palm Cove resort on the beautiful Barrier Reef.
There will be guest speakers, an online round table (This event will be recorded – members will be able to view the recording behind the members paywall)
1.00 to 2.00 (Melbourne time). Join VISA to Join the Adventure!
Speakers include:
Dr Amy Nethery
Prize winning academic

Amy researches the development and impact of asylum policies in Australia and Asia, with a focus on transnational cooperation on border control. An important theme of her work is the analysis of asylum policy according to democratic norms of policymaking. She has a particular interest in immigration detention: its history, evolution, diffusion, legal status, consistency with democratic norms, and human impact.
2014 Boyer Prize for the best original article published in Australian Journal of International Affairs in 2014 (‘Australian-Indonesian cooperation’).
2011 Isi Leibler Prize for the thesis that best advances knowledge about racism in Australia (Immigration detention in Australia).
Rising super star Mr Nick Mutton will be speaking on s501 “tips and traps” of running an AAT appeal.

Nick has a trial and appellate practice focusing on public & administrative, criminal and regulatory law. He acts for both government and private clients, and is available to appear in all courts and tribunals. Nick also maintains an active advice practice.
Nick has a particular interest in the intersection between politics and the law, including free speech, whistleblower protections, freedom of information, anti-corruption and human rights.
Prior to the coming to the Bar, Nick was a Senior Lawyer at the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC), where he advised on a range of public and criminal law matters, and regularly appeared as counsel assisting in coercive examinations. He also worked as a solicitor-advocate at Victoria Legal Aid, and at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Victorian Ombudsman’s office in legal and investigative roles.
Nick holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and Bachelor of Arts (Politics) from Monash University, as well as a Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne.
Benjamin Zipser
Barrister / Author/ Member of VISA
A man with an encyclopedic knowledge of migration law and process. (Will be speaking on Federal Court matters.)

Benjamin has a busy, diverse practice. He has substantial experience in commercial disputes, as well as building and construction, immigration and professional liability matters. He has appeared in numerous courts and tribunals, at first instance and on appeal.
Benjamin is an author (and has been since the 1st edition) of the comprehensive practitioner text, Professional Liability in Australia (3rd edition).
Specialist Areas: Administrative Building and Construction Commercial Consumer Protection Immigration Professional Liability
Ross Ahmadzai – Legendary educator in migration law!
Fellow of VISA.
Immigration Lawyer, Educatory & Academic

As anyone working in the migration law industry – RMAs or Immigration Lawyers – will know, Ross is one of the leading luminaries in the migration law training and the provision of professional development courses through his companies Crystal Migration Training: CMT and the Capstone Academy.
Ross has worked at firms such as KPMG and Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, and is regarded as one of the best educators currently working.
He brings a profound knowledge and great expertise – this is a real coup for VISA and VISA members. His passion to teach is match by his almost evangelical commitment to build the best Australia migration system possible!
Ross is a tireless advocate for refugee & migrant rights. Equally for the advancement and professional standards of migration agents & Immigration Lawyers.
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