Immigration, Crime & Punishment
Singapore & the beautiful Indonesian island of Bintan!
VISA: The Victorian Immigration Solicitors’ Alliance hosts its annual Australian Immigration Law Conference. The Crimmigration Law Symposium 2024 Immigration, Crime & Punishment at the beautiful luxury island of Bintan – just a short boat trip from Singapore.
At this event we will have key note addresses from Leaders of the Immigration Industry.
There will be guest speakers, an online round table (This event will be recorded – members will be able to view the recording behind the members paywall)
1.00 to 2.00 (Melbourne time). Join VISA to Join the Adventure!
Speakers include:

Sean Kikkert
Barrister / Author/ Member of VISA
Sean Kikkert has more than 17 years of experience in immigration law and administrative law. He was admitted in 2007 and worked for the Department of Immigration for eleven years before opening his own law practice. He has appeared in many Federal Court, Federal Circuit Court and Tribunal matters, and provides complex legal advice based on his 16 years of experience in government law. Sean also has considerable experience in dispute resolution and conducted family and personal violence conferences as a Deputy Registrar with the ACT Magistrates Court between 2019-2022. Sean was born in Adelaide, South Australia and spent the early part of his childhood in the Netherlands before his family returned to Australia. He earned a BA (Hons.) in Psychology in 2002 and an LLB (with Hons.) in 2005 from the University of Adelaide. He married his wife Jaquilyn in Hong Kong, and he is the father of five children. He is also an author and has had eight books published.
Sean has appeared as an advocate representing both the Department of Immigration and Applicants at the following hearings (
Professional Publications:
· Kikkert, S. and Dexter, P. ‘Historical Analysis of Population Reactions to Stimuli – A Case Study of Fiji’. (2007). DSTO-TR-1970. Defence Science and Technology Organisation, The Department of Defence.
· Kikkert, S.N. ‘Military Uniforms: The Psychological Dimension’. (2005) 2 The Australian Army Journal 245.
· Kikkert, S. N. ‘A South Pacific Police Force?’ (2004) 8(2) Journal of South Pacific Law.
A man with an encyclopaedic knowledge of migration law and process. (Will be speaking on updates on visa law.)

Ross Ahmadzai – Legendary educator in migration law! (to be confirmed)
Fellow of VISA.
Immigration Lawyer, Educatory & Academic
As anyone working in the migration law industry – RMAs or Immigration Lawyers – will know, Ross is one of the leading luminaries in the migration law training and the provision of professional development courses through his companies Crystal Migration Training: CMT and the Capstone Academy.
Ross has worked at firms such as KPMG and Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, and is regarded as one of the best educators currently working.
He brings a profound knowledge and great expertise – this is a real coup for VISA and VISA members. His passion to teach is match by his almost evangelical commitment to build the best Australia migration system possible!
Ross is a tireless advocate for refugee & migrant rights. Equally for the advancement and professional standards of migration agents & Immigration Lawyers.
helor of Arts (Politics) from Monash University, as well as a Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne.
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